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NextJS vs Astro: Choosing the right marketing site framework.

By Andrew on 8/2/2024

NextJS vs Astro: Choosing the right marketing site framework.

Every effective marketing site needs three key elements: speed, search engine visibility, and the ability to showcase content compellingly. As developers, our choice of framework can significantly impact these factors. In this analysis, we’ll evaluate NextJS and Astro based on:

  1. Performance: How quickly does the site load and become interactive?
  2. SEO capabilities: How well does the framework support search engine optimization?
  3. Content management: How easily can we create and update content?
  4. Developer experience: How efficient is the development process?
  5. Scalability: Can the site grow with your business needs?

Let’s examine how NextJS and Astro stack up in each of these areas.

1. Performance

Performance for marketing sites is critical. Search engines use performance as one of the key determining factors of search ranking, especially for mobile. A faster site can mean better user engagement, better conversion rates, and better search rankings. Here’s are some results from different sites we aggregated:

Performance Score88/100100/100
Time-to-Interactive (TTI)1.7 seconds0.3 seconds
Total Blocking Time (TBT)180 milliseconds0 milliseconds
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)1.7 seconds0.4 seconds
Build Time30 seconds to 1 minute15 to 25 seconds

Sources: Sparkbox,

Astro shows better performance across all metrics on most benchmarks online. Its near-instant Time-to-Interactive and zero Total Blocking Time are particularly impressive for marketing sites where quick user engagement is crucial.

NextJS, while not matching Astro’s speed, still performs well. Its 88/100 performance score is respectable, and for many marketing sites, the difference in load times may not significantly impact user experience.

2. SEO Capabilities

Both frameworks offer very strong SEO features, but their approaches differ.

NextJS provides:

Astro offers:

It’s obviosu both frameworks support best SEO practices, Astro’s performance edge and clean HTML output might give it a slight advantage for content-heavy marketing sites.

3. Content Management

Efficient content management is crucial for marketing sites that require frequent updates.



Marketing sites with mostly static content, Astro’s Markdown support and content collections offers a better workflow. However, NextJS’s dynamic capabilities might be preferable for sites requiring real-time data or dynamic content changes.

4. Developer Experience

The ease of development can impact how fast you can launch and iterate on your marketing site. A lot of developers prefer to skip over this point, purely choosing what’s best for SEO, etc… But development experience matters and it’s what keeps us going!

NextJS offers:

Astro provides:

Really, both are fine for development. I’ve always found NextJS to be a bit clunkier with what features are available for SSR. It’s pretty straight forward with Astro, dynamic content needs to live inside a client-loaded component.

5. Scalability

As your marketing efforts grow, your site needs to be able to grow with them.



It’s often nice having one tech framework for the entire stack, but the mix of SSR in places where your app doesn’t need it adds a lot of complexity. It might be better to use a single-page app framework in places where your marketing site gets more complicated than just static content.

Making the Right Choice

Both NextJS and Astro are capable of producing excellent marketing sites, but they excel in different areas:

Choose NextJS if:

Opt for Astro if:

Remember, the best choice depends on your specific marketing needs, your development team’s expertise, and your long-term plans for the site. We built our Django React Kit to use Astro for the marketing landing page and then transition over to a SPA when functionality was more complicated (authentication, payments, etc…). This creates a nice separation of concerns and allows you to push out content in markdown and focus your marketing site purely on speed and SEO (while not bogging down your backend). Both frameworks are actively developed and have strong communities, ensuring that whichever you choose, you’ll have a solid foundation for your marketing site.

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