Posts by Andrew
Explore all the insightful articles written by Andrew.
Boilerplate or Bloatplate?
Open source has an incredible advantage when it comes to building software. With boilerplates, however, the advantage of hundreds of people contributing features has the opposite effect. As a startup founder...
Django React Login | How to setup a login page
Implementing a Django React login system can be challenging, but it's a crucial feature for many web applications. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up authentication using Django on the backend and React on the frontend.
10 Uncommonly Useful Observations on Product-Market Fit
1. It's a spectrum, not a binary state. Companies don't suddenly "achieve PMF." They gradually increase their degree of fit. Continuous function, not discrete. 2. Organic growth trumps all other signals. 15%+ month-over-month growth without marketing spend? You're onto something. Everything else is noise.
Connecting React and Django Rest Framework: Quick Guide
This guide offers a quick, straightforward approach to connecting React with Django Rest Framework. This guide will help you set up a basic project that demonstrates the django react integration.
SaaS Copywriting: The SaaS Marketing Framework That Actually Works
Most SaaS marketing is a wasteland of buzzwords and empty promises. But it doesn't have to be. Effective marketing isn't about being clever; it's about being clear and compelling. Here's a framework for creating marketing that actually drives growth, not just hot air.